HCC Online Annual Returns Form

Name of Church
Department / Ministries - Select from from the option box provided and type the total corresponding total numbers
Social Outreach Programmes
Social Outreach Programmes - Enter the total number enrolled/assisted in the box provided. (NUMBERS ONLY)
Membership / Personel Records - Record the total numbers in attendance in each box provided. (NUMBERS ONLY)
Rituals / Ceremonies - Enter the total numbers in the boxes provided. (NUMBERS ONLY)
Financial Records - OFFERING COLLECTED - Enter the total amount in the boxes provided. (NUMBERS ONLY)
Financial Records - PAYMENTS - Enter the total amount in the boxes provided. (NUMBERS ONLY)
Leadership Personel Records. Please enter the names of the leaders.

Leadership Personel Records - Other Leaders. (NUMBERS ONLY)
Special Services - Please enter the name of the services and select the date.
Evangelism Records - Please enter the total number in the field provided. (NUMBERS ONLY)
Physcial Plant Record - Please enter to total amount in the fields provided. (NUMBERS ONLY)
State work being done or just completed on the physical plant. Include significant acquisition of assets.


Your annual return has been successfully submitted.